
Welcome to PTI's Multimedia Center. Current PTI members may use the logo to acknowledge their membership. The logo must not be used to imply anything other than membership. For more information on how PTI members may use the logo, see the PTI Logo/Graphic Use section below. Images may also be downloaded, reproduced, and published for the purpose of creating or supporting news stories related to PTI and its products, programs, and events.

PTI Logo Use

Current members of the Post-Tensioning Institute are encouraged to use the PTI logo to acknowledge their membership. As established by the Board of Direction, the Institute's official policy official policy with respect to the use of the logo is that members are permitted—indeed encouraged—to show their PTI membership affiliation on stationery and other materials and to use the PTI logo for that purpose. However, this must be accompanied by a statement “member of the Post-Tensioning Institute” or words to like effect. The name and logo must not be used to imply anything other than membership. The Board of Direction has noted that the Institute cannot be placed in a position of appearing to endorse certain products or services or to imply endorsement of the same. Questions about member use of the PTI logo can be directed to Paulina.Barbone@post-tensioning.org.

Current Members of the Post-Tensioning Institute are encouraged to use the PTI Member logo to acknowledge their membership. As established by the Board of Direction, the Institute's official policy with respect to the use of the logo is that members are permitted—indeed encouraged—to show their PTI membership affiliation on stationery and other materials and to use the PTI logo for that purpose. The name and Member logo must not be used to imply anything other than membership. The Board of Direction has noted that the Institute cannot be placed in a position of appearing to endorse certain products or services or to imply endorsement of the same. Questions about member use of the PTI Member logo can be directed to Michelle.Stern@post-tensioning.org.

Plants are encouraged to use this PTI Plant Certification graphic on e-mail, websites, stationery, and other materials to show as proof of certification through the Post-Tensioning Institute’s plant certification program. When used on websites and other digital communications, the graphic must link to www.post-tensioning.org/findacertifiedplant.

The Post-Tensioning Institute has the right to disallow use of this graphic to any organization or individual not complying with these guidelines as stated. The PTI Board of Direction has noted that the Institute cannot be placed in a position of appearing to endorse certain products or services or to imply endorsement of the same.

Questions about use of the PTI Plant Certification graphic can be directed to Miguel.Zuniga@post-tensioning.org.