December 2022 V18 – N1
D. Goodyear, "Bridge Design
and the Creep Conundrum
J. Hirsch, "On Second
Thought? A New Perspective on Secondary Moments
T. Kang, S. Lee, J. Yoon, C. Lee, and R. Klemencic, "
Design and
Analysis of High-Rise Building with Post-Tensioned Outrigger Walls and Slabs
December 2021 V17 – N2
F. Souza, " Augmented
Reality (AR) In Post-Tensioned Structures"
June 2021 V17 – N1
Evehx Engineering, "Post-Tensioning
in Stayed Columns"
Monitoring of
First Recyclable Bridge in the World
Scientific Inc., "
Strength Measurement in Post-Tensioned Application Using Maturity Method"
DECEMBER 2020 V16 – N2
A. Baxi, "
ACI 381-19 Code Provision Changes Pertaining to
Post-Tensioned Concrete"
Childress Engineering Services, Inc., "Case Study: Comal County Jail: A Case Study in Value Engineering Using Post-Tensioning"
G. Poh, "Case Study: Vancouver House"
July 2020 V16 – N1
B. Allred, "
Shear Design of Post‐Tensioned Concrete Diaphragms—Comparison of Two Different Approaches"
A. Castiglioni and T. Ciccone, "
Pensacola Bay Bridge Project"
J. Greenawalt and S.Neel, "
Upside‐Down Glass Building - Reston Station OB1"
F. Janghorban and A. Hoseini, "Comparison of Different Finite Element Methods on Modeling of Post-Tensioned Slab-Edge Column Connections"
July 2019 V15 – N2
S. Baldridge, "That Green Thing: Thin Post-Tensioned Concrete Slab"
H. Shin, T. Kang, and J. Park, "ASME B&PV Code and ACI Standard 359 Tendon Installation Revision Proposal"
July 2019 V15 – N1
K. Bondy, "Discussion of “Monitoring Secondary Moments of Continuous Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams,” Kyungmin Kim and Thomas H.‐K. Kang, published in PTI JOURNAL, December 2018, pp. 5‐16"
J. Bray and A. Schokker, "Inline Monitoring of Grout Density During Pumping"
P. Fisk and B. Armitage, " Nondestructive Testing for Voided and Soft Grout in Internal Post‐Tensioning Ducts"
K. Kim and T. Kang, " Discussion of “Monitoring Secondary Moments of Continuous Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams,” published in PTI JOURNAL, December 2018, pp. 5‐16"
K.Kim, T. Kang, H. Shin, and B. Ahn, "Closure to Discussion by Kenneth B. Bondy concerning "Monitoring Secondary Moments of Continuous Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams," Kyungmin Kim and Thomas H. K. Kang, PTI Journal, December 2018, pp. 5‐16"
S. Patil, E. Torres, C. Freeman, and H. Hamilton, "Evaluation of Drying Technique for Remediating Soft Grout in Post‐Tensioning Tendons"
J. Wacker, "Transforming Challenges into Assets: Design of Arts and Education Facilities with Post‐Tensioned Concrete"
October 2018 V14 – N2
F. Aalami, "Using 3‐D Laser Scans to Define Pt Locations for Tenants"
J. Brewe and N. Anderson, " Development of a New‐Generation High‐Strength Post‐Tensioned Anchor Bar"
D. Corbett, " NDT Investigation of PT Ducts"
L. Haixue and G. Miyasato, "Pacific Manor Parking Garage Structural Repairs"
K. Kim and T. Kang, " Monitoring Secondary Moments of Continuous Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams "
N. Khosa, "Post-Tensioned Concrete with Unbonded Tendons Become the Predominant Structural Material in U.S., Skyscrapers"
J. Quintana, " Real Bridge, Orizaba, Mexico"
October 2018 V14 – N1
N. Bommakanti, "The Longest Bridge on The Widest River—India’s Longest River Bridge"
T.Ciccone and A. Castiglioni Di Caronno, "Multi‐Tube Saddles for Stay Cables"
J. Son and T. Kim, "Development and Design of Post‐Tensioned Hollow Columns with Triangular Confinement Modules"
N.Khosa, "NEMA"
V. Bretting, N. Khosa, and C. Schneeman, "PT Buildings Design and Construction, Best Practices"
December 2017 V13 – N2
N. Brenkus, H.R. Hamilton, and W. Potter, “Flexural Strength and Hinge Behavior of Internally Post-Tensioned Members with Mixed Bonded and Unbonded Tendons”
F. Aalami, “55 Hudson Yards”
L. Haixue, “Grouted Post-Tensioning Tendon Evaluation”
D. Illingworth, “Conversion of Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground to Pile-Supported Structural Foundation”
R. Leistikow, “Stressing the Quality of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Single-Strand System Installations”
S. Munuswamy and E. Search, “Alternative Solution Using Post- Tensioning for Change-in-Use of Existing Building”
T. Naso, “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine: A PT Repair Case Study”
J.L. Quintana, “Sail Bridges Versus Cable-Stayed Bridges”
August 2017 V13 – N1
2017 Project of the Year: The Ritz-Carlton Residences Waikiki Beach, Phase 1
R. Price, “The Value of Being and Active PTI Member”
December 2016 V12 – N1
P. Esselinck and D. Carreira, “Analysis of Shortening of Post-Tensioned Slabs”
K. Ushijima, T. Enomoto, N. Kose, and Y. Yamamoto, “Field Application of Carbon Fiber Composite Cable Post-Tensioning System”
D. Chalaire, “Concrete Slab Edge Repairs with PT Anchors”
M. Maingot, “1601 Vine, Los Angeles CA”
S. Munuswamy, “ Post-Tensioning – Codes vs. Practice – A Need for Trained Engineering Professionals”
F. Malits, “Building Information Modeling in 2017 and Beyond: A Design Engineer’s Perspective”
A. Baxi, “Building Information Modeling: From Contractor’s Perspective”
December 2015 V11 – N2
B. Aalami, “Post-Tensioning in Ground-Supported Slabs”
Case Study – Circa
Case Study – Lincoln Square Expansion
August 2015 V11 – N1
J.K. Yoon and T. Kang, “Lateral-Force-Resisting Behavior of Outrigger Will with Post-Tensioned Slabs”
A. Randell, M. Aguirre, and H.R. Hamilton III, “Effects of Low Reactivity Fillers on the Performance of Post-Tensioning Grout”
J. Fernandez, “Effects of Marine Environment on Ungrouted and Stressed Strands in Ducts”
H. Tazir, H. Najm, and D. Griffith, “Repair and Replacement of Partially Grouted Embedded External Tendons”
C. Holle, D. Van Landuyt, and Z. Xia, “Post-Tensioning System of the West 7th Street Bridge Precast Network Arches”
M. Sprinkel, “VDOT Experience with Grouts and Grouted Post-Tensioning Tendons”
C. Fulton and S. Trépanier, “Dispelling the Myth about Unbonded Post-Tensioned Buildings”
L. Krauser, “Challenges for the Post-Tensioning Industry”
K. Bondy, “The New ACI Standard Specification for Unbonded Tendons”
August 2014 V10 – N1
A. Backell and T. Kang, “Potential LEED Considerations for Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures”
C. Hayek, R. Muzanar, “St. Rafca Cathedral: Concave Beams Spanning 100 Feet”
D. Whitmore, G. Fallis, H. Liao, S. Strombeck, I. Lasa “Tendon Impregnation Technology Mitigates Corrosion and Protects Post-Tensioned Tendons”
N. Khosa, “Unbonded Post-Tensioning in Infrastructure - Buford Avenue Pavement Reconstruction”
F. Albino de Souza, “Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground in the Amazon Region”
K. Bondy, “501 World Way - First Parking Structure at Los Angeles International Airport”
August 2013 V9 – N1
J. Graves, “General Motors Parts Distribution Center, Carter Industrial Park, Fort Worth, TX.”
T. Kang, Y. Huang, “Corner Post-Tensioned Slab-Column Connections”
R. Khosa, “One Museum Park West: Converting a High-Rise Tower’s Structural Design to Unbonded Post-Tensioning”
R. Martter, “The PTI Method for Grade Slab Design – A Dissenting View and an Alternative”
Lenzi, P. Campana, “Equalized Multi-Step Stressing of Post-Tensioning Tendons of Cylindrical Shells: A Case Study”
December 2012 V8 – N2
U. Kim, T. Kang, P. Chakrabarti, “Rehabilitation of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Slabs with Different Boundary Conditions”
C. Hayek, S. Kalil, “Structural Efficiency from a Sustainability Perspective”
A. Hufnagel, T. Kang, “Assessment of Secondary Effects in Post-Tensioned Flat Plates”
K. Bondy, “Two Way Post-Tensioned Slabs with Bonded Tendons”
K. Bondy, “The Tower, 3900 West Alameda Boulevard, Burbank, CA”
July 2012 V8 – N1
T. Kang and Y. Huang, “Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Slab-Column Connections”
M. Iqbal, ”Design of Expansion Joints in Parking Structures” ��
G. Llanos, B. Ross, M. Ansley, and H.R. Hamilton, “Testing of Post-Tensioned Concrete Girders with No Shear Reinforcement”
A. Scanlon, A. J. Schokker, and S.C. Lee, “ Effects of Tendon Layout on Service Load Performance of Post-Tensioned Two-Way Slab Systems”
M. A. Murray, J. Morrow, and B. Collins, “Protecting Unbonded Prestressed Tendons”
S. A. O’Connor, “The Royal Club Condominiums – Post-Tensioned Cable Restoration”
J. Graves, B. Juedes, and Ryne. Stoker, “Slab-on-Ground Alternative Design (SOGAD): A Blend of Art and Science”
B. Juedes, “Alternate Design Procedure for Slabs on Stable Soils”
K. Bondy, “Certification: Assuring Quality in Post-Tensioned Concrete Construction”
August 2009 V7 – N1
G. Guo, L. Joseph, and G. Beiberly, “Restraint Design of Cast-in-Place Post-Tensioned Underground Parking Structures”
M. Iqbal, “Seismic Pounding and Expansion Joint Design in Parking Structures"
S.A. Saleh and W. Suaris, “Punching Shear Strength of Post-Tensioned Concrete Flat Plates with L-Shaped Columns"
M. Maingot, “Sustainability and Post-Tensioned Concrete: Gray is the New Green”
K. Thornton, M. Chusid, and S. Miller, “Waterproofing Without Membrane: Forty Years after Completion, a Post-Tensioned Shrinkage-Compensating Mat Foundation is Still Solid and Watertight”
G. Fallis and M. Peeler, “Nondestructive Detection of Fractures in Prestressed and Post-Tensioned Cables”
G. Chacos, ”Progressive Deterioration Caused by Poor Quality Control and Inadequate Maintenance: The Sad Tale of a Doomed Parking Structure”
August 2008 V6 – N2
B. Swartz, A. Schokker, “ Design Guide Development for Post-Tensioned Bridge Decks”
G. Guo, K. Lin, and L. Joseph, “Pour Strip Design in Post-Tensioned Buildings Using Unbonded Tendons”
C. Roberts-Wollmann and G. Wollmann, “Bearing Strength of Unbonded Monostrand Post-Tensioning Anchors in Slab Edges”
P. Fleming, “Simplified Geotechnical Analysis Guide to PTI 3.2 for the Practicing Geotechnical Engineer”
S. Patel and D. Schlegel, “Going for Gold in Las Vegas: Trump International Tower, Las Vegas, Nevada.”
S. Miller, “An Inclination for Innovation: After 30 Years, Dallas City Hall is Still an Architectural Triumph and an Engineering Milestone”
M. Maingot, “The First Green Condominium Building in Seattle: Mosler Lofts, Seattle, Washington.”
R. Khosa, “340 On the Park Condominiums: Record-Height of a Post-Tensioned Residential Building Another First for Chicago.”
R. Khosa,”St. Louis Casino Stays Afloat with Unique Post-Tensioning Application.”
“PTI Approves Revisions to Post-Tensioned Slab-On-Ground Design Procedure & Standards.”
February 2008 V6 – N1
J. Bryant, “Simplified Approach to PTI 3.1 Method.”
G. Chacos, “Slab Penetrations in Residential Slab-on-Ground Foundations.”
K. Bondy, “Code Requirements for Sulfate Durability in Residential Concrete.”
T.Kang, J. Wallace, “Stresses in Unbonded Tendons of Post-Tensioned Flat Plate Systems Under Dynamic Excitation.”
T. Kang, I. Robertson, N. Hawkins, and J. Lafave, “Recommendations for Design of Post-Tensioned Slab-Column Connections Subjected to Lateral Loading.”
K. Bondy, “Requirements for Strength and Ductility of Unbonded Post-Tensioning Tendons.”
X. Zuming, “Full-Scale Post-Tensioning Grout Optimization Testing.”
V. Seshappa, “Site Cast Post-Tensioned Insulated Wall Panel Building Goes Up in Las Vegas.”
“Post-Tensioning Systems Secure “Archaeological Reconstruction” of the Church of Our Lady in Dresden.”
A. Gilanti, K. Miyamoto, and L. Determan, “Design and Construction of a Modern Post-Tensioned Parking Structure.”
J. Lungrin, “Center Stressing Multistrand Anchorage – A Key Component of the Huey P. Long Bridge Widening.”
J. McTaggart, “Two Firsts for North America Realized in Vancouver Bridge Construction.”
July 2007 V5 – N1
L. Panian, M. Steyer, and S. Tipping, “Post-Tensioned Concrete Walls for Seismic Resistance.”
G. Chacos, “Back-Up Bars for Residential Slab-on-Ground Foundations.”
C. Ratay, “Progressive Weakening to Failure of an Unbonded Post-Tensioned Flat Plate.”
R. Bendon, “Repair of Partially Greased-Filled Encapsulated Monostrand Post-Tensioning Tendons.”
Z. Saleh, and W. Suaris, “Punching Shear Capacity of Post-Tensioned Slab with Hairpin Shaped Reinforcements.”
L. Krauser, “ACI and PTI Requirements for Encapsulation Systems.”
C. Plue, “A Three Day Cycle in Seismic Country: San Francisco’s One Rincon Hill.”
S. Bacon, “Escala: Post-Tensioning is Obvious Choice for Seattle’s Largest Condominium Tower.”
M. Chusid, “A Perfect Match: Post-Tensioning and Shrinkage Compensating Concrete Form a Durable Union at John Wayne Airport.”
December 2006 V4 – N2
R. Klemencic, J. Fry, G. Hurtado, and J. Moehle, “Performance of Post-Tensioned Slab – Core Wall Connections.”
K.D. Bondy, “Evaluation and Repair of Existing Post-Tensioned Buildings with Paper-Wrapped Tendons Experiencing Corrosion Damage.”
G. Setberg and A. Gilani, “Spanning the Noyo River Part I: Type Selection and Design.”
A. Gilani and G. Setberg, “Spanning the Noyo River Part II: Bridge Construction.”
R. El-Hacha and M. Elbadry, “Strengthening Concrete Beams with Externally Prestressed Carbon Fiber Composite Cables: Experimental Investigation.”
J. Miller and A. Scott, “Non-Destructive Testing of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Tendons.”
R. Sward, “W Dallas Victory Hotel & Residences Benefits from Post-Tensioning.”
S. Bacon, “Taking in the View: New Core Design Allows for Longer PT Slabs and Column-Free Space in Residential Applications.”
M. Chusid, “1200-Foot Post-Tensioned Slab with Type K Cement Cleared for Take-Off: 19 Years After Placement of Demonstration Pavements, Post-Tensioned Design Shows Best Performance.”
D. Beiler, “Meadowview Oxidation Ditch WWTP.”
K. Bondy, “Post-Tensioned Concrete in Buildings Past and Future: An Insider’s View.”
July 2006 V4 – N1
J. Desalvo and A. Schokker, “Influence of Vibration of Early Ages for Post-Tensioning Grouts.”
C. Ferraro, A. Boyd, H.R. Hamilton III, “The Use of Compressed Air for Quality Control in Post-Tensioned Ducts.”
G. Chacos, “T-Beam Flange Width.”
L. Krauser, “Repairs, Modifications, and Strengthening with Post-Tensioning.”
C. Ellis, “Lejuene Road Flyover Rehabilitation.”
M. Chusid, “Ahead of Its Time: All Concrete House Turns 40 Years Old.”
J. Katikala, “Controlled Demolition of Concrete Storage Sheds with Post-Tensioning.”
J-L. Quintana, “Dam Reinforcing Through Concrete Post-Tensioning Anchors.”
S. Nour, “Testing / Evaluation an Grout Remediation of Post-Tensioning Tendons for Bridges.”
May 2005 V3 – N1
C. Roberts-Wollman and J. Breen, “Calculation of Direct Shear Capacity of Dry Keyed Segmental Joints.”
C. MacDougall and A. Georghiou, “Bending of Seven-Wire Prestressing Strands Under Tension.”
H. Jajm, Y.D. Li, and R. Lawrie, “Externally Post-Tensioned and Precast Concrete Girders for SC-170 Broad River Bridge.”
T. Allen and D Choudhuri, “An Introductory Study on Void Detection Inside Internal Polymeric Post-Tension Ducts using Ground Penetrating Radar.”
January 2004 V2 – N1
G.A. Alvarez and H.R. Hamilton III, “Grout Bleed Tests in Vertical and Horizontal Post-Tensioning Ducts.”
S. Lyons, R. Bligh, J. Purinton, and D. Beaudoin, “Seismic Analysis and Design of Ramped Parking Structures.”
A.M.E. Refai, J.S.West, and K. Soudki, “FRP Tendons in Post-Tensioning.”
E. Salcedo-Rueda, A.J. Schokker, J.E. Breen, and M.E. Kreger, “Bond and Corrosion Studies of Emulsifiable Oils Used for Corrosion Protection in Post-Tensioned Tendons.”
G.C. Lama, “Flat Slab Design Using Harped Tendon Profiles.”
D.G. Fredlund and H.Q. Vu, ���Numerical Modeling of Swelling and Shrinking Solis Around Slab-On-Ground.”
A. Bommer, “Complete Secondary (Hyperstatic) Effects.”
August 2003 V1 – N2
A.D. Barley, D.A. Bruce, M.E.C. Bruce and J.C. Lang, “High Capacity and Fully Removable Soil Anchors.”
P.R. Gupta, “Field Evaluation of the Prestressing Force in Unbonded Tendons.”
D.G. Pickett, “Design of the Cantilevered Green at Hole #17 at the Falconhead Golf Course in Bee Cave, Texas.”
H. Najm, D. Griffith, and H. Tazir, “Design of Cast-in-Place Viaducts Post-Tensioned with Embedded External Tendons.”
T. Zokaie, C. Harrington, and D.A. Tomley, “Differences Between the Requirements of LRFD and LDFD Specifications for Post-Tensioned Concrete Box Girder Bridges.”
B.M. Juedes, “Reinforcement of Perimeter Turndowns in Ground-Supported Post-Tensioned Slabs”
M.A. DePinna, “Focus: Applications of High Energy X-ray Inspection of Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures and Cable Stay Bridges.”
January 2003 V1 – N1
K. Bondy, “Principles and Practice Using ACI 318-02.”
A. Schokker and M. Schupack, “Water Retentive Thixotropic Grouts for Durable Post-Tensioned Construction.”
H.H. Nassif, O. Ozkul, M. Harajli, “Flexural Behavior of Beams Prestressed with Bonded and Unbonded Tendons.”
T. Zokaie, C. Harrington, and D.A. Tomley, “Effect of the LRFD Specifications on the Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Box Girder Bridges.”
J.E. Quist and R.M Rudolph, “Stabilization of an Ambursen Dam.”
R.T. Bates, “Circular Treated Water Storage Reservoirs Prestressed with Internal Tendons.”
G.P. Chacos, “Parking Structure Modified to Increase Headroom.”