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PTI Webinars are delivered by industry experts and feature post-tensioning topics. The webinars and attendance certificates are administered through PTI Academy. They are also recorded for viewing at a later date. Both live and recorded versions offer continuing education credit.
April 9: Construction & Maintenance of Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground Foundations (DC10.2-17)May 14: Barrier Cable - Design
All live webinars are recorded and made available for on-demand viewing. Each webinar course contains the recorded webinar.
2018 Topics:
July: Seismic Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Diaphragms - K. Dirk, Bondy, S.E.
2024 Topics:
January: An Introduction to the 7th Edition of the Post-Tensioning Manual - T. Christle, P.E.February: Post-Tensioned Podium Design Considerations - Bryan Allred, S.E.March: Restraint Cracks and their Mitigation in Unbonded Post-Tensioned Building Structures - Asit Baxi, PhD, P.E.April: Post-Tensioned Design Best Practices – Case Study Examples - Anantha Chittur, PE, SEMay: IRC 2024 Code Change for PT Slabs-on-Ground - Tim Christle, PEJune: Resilience of Post-Tensioned Box Girders - Brian Merrill, PEJuly: DC 80.3 The Evaluation and Repair of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures, Scott GreenhausAugust: Dual Banded Tendon Layout for Two-Way Post-Tensioned Slabs – A History and the Future - Tim Christle, Jonathan Hirsch, Carin Roberts-Wollmann and Asit BaxiSeptember: High Strength PT Bar Revisited, Reminders, and Recommendations - Pete Speier and Andy BaxterOctober: Durable Bonded Post-Tensioning: Bob SwardNovember: Fundamentals of PT Slab-on-Ground Design - Geotechnical - Dean ReadDecember 11: Fundamentals of PT Slab-on-Ground Design - Structural - Tony Childress
2025 Topics
January: EV Weight - Is it an Issue for Design Loads? - Rashid Ahmed, PE, SE, and Leslie Jo Hurwitz, PEFebruary: Evaluation of Existing Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures - Otto Schwarz, Senior Associate at Ryan Biggs and Clark Davis Engineering and SurveyingMarch: The New ACI-PTI 320-25 Code - Carol Hayek and Don Kline
Starting January 2025, all PTI Academy Webinars are AIA Accredited.